The possessive form of the pronoun it is not written with an apostrophe. The contraction it's (for it is or it has) is written in the form of a contract to replace something with nothing, a tooth mark on memory. The apostrophe itself is often misplaced because it indicates possession: You can't find your glasses, the word you want, the house you grew up in.
A digression, or turning away in discourse, leads you from one room to another in search of the apostrophe. You speak directly to it, employing an improbable pronoun, and find that the degree of its absence is proportional to its power of accumulation, which is infinite. But the apostrophe remains defenseless against ownership, and so is consumed by the word in which it occurs.
* * *
Words That
by J. A. Lee
40-page stapled chapbook with letterpress cover
[airfoil 6]